Sunday, June 12, 2011

What A Week!

By the way, this is one of the fish I caught last week.

My mom and I started off a hike on Jenny Lake to try and find another lake and tributary that attach to it. Little did we know it was going to be about a 9 mile hike round-trip after looking for the lake, running into two bears on the trail (both black, but very big and intimidating), and then having to walk all the way back to Jenny Lake parking lot...With no fish. That was a bummer but it was narly to see those bears that close. That day, my mom and I just sort of hung out and then went to dinner with our cousin Katherine who is the bartender at Dornan's. She was awesome and really fun to hang out with. The next day, I went back to work and had sort of a normal day at work except for how super slow it was. Then I went fishing at Mr. Sayers' house and was unlucky for the 45 minutes that I fished, but I was excited to still get a few nibbles on one of my flies that I created myself. The three of us went to dinner at the bistro and it was really good. Then today, I had another day at work from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM except that it was super busy and that made it go by fast. It was a fun day. Then, I came home and my mom pretty much passed out on the bed and I went to Mr. Sayers' house again to fish and I caught a reasonable 15 or 16 inch cutty on another one of my own flies. I was super stoked! I then saw a beaver swimming in the water and ran to tell Mr. Sayers, because I knew we wanted the beavers dead. So he brought out a sweet S&W M&P AR-15 in a .22 long rifle and he shot the beaver. The beaver didn't die on the spot but we hope it did. It floated/swam off before we could get another shot on it. It has been an action packed week and tomorrow we are starting work at 7:00 AM and closing at 7:00 PM, those will be the store hours for the rest of the summer, it is going to be a very long day. But then I have three days off right after that so it should be another fun week. Stay Tuned!

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