Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Less Work And More Fishing

For the past few weeks I have been really focusing on honing my skills with my fly rods and flies. I have still been working really hard and long hours. I am now working from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. It's a super long day! Work is still a lot of fun though and I never get tired of it. The other night, I went to dinner with the Beamans and that was a lot of fun. I got to talk to my good friend Natalie and became an older brother to little Jackson! He's an awesome kid. Then I went to work all day today and it was a pretty busy day at work selling people flies and licenses and other random things. Then, I went to dinner tonight with my mom, Mr. Sayers, Raif, and Shannon, all good friends of ours. It was a lot of fun. I got to fish for a little bit but Fish creek rose a ton in the past few days and the fish were definitely a little more suspicious. I got one little hit from a big fish on my own fly, but it was in the middle of me stripping my line in and I ended up missing the fish. But it's whatever I'm glad I got that beast to bite at my own fly I created. I have tomorrow off and I'm going into the shop to work on a few things and get a few flies, then I'm taking my mom up to the Firehole river to help her try and catch some trout. She has been with me so far and I can't possibly thank her enough. It's time I give back to her a little bit! She's been awesome and one of the highlights of my trip so far. Stay tuned because tomorrow's blog should be full of good stuff!

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