Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Back In Business

I got back from Idaho yesterday around 1:00 PM to a rainy and cold Wilson, Wyoming. The Trip was incredible. It is way to much to type about so I will sum it up as much as possible. We went and fished the Henry's Fork on the first day and we caught a few fish but hooked some BEASTS but couldn't land them. But that is a part of fishing. I learned to row a drift boat which was awesome and I can't wait to be a guide someday in the near future.
We then went back and camped out on a goat farm for 2 nights and I was fortunate enough to meet the founder and owner, the CEO, and the product manager of Patagonia clothing. It was incredible. In ever thought I would ever be able to meet such important people and get their card and have them teach me and the other fly fishing outfitters about all of the new stuff Patagonia has to offer for the spring of 2012, 2013, and 2014. If you like Patagonia stuff, let me know because I can hook you up. No joke! But it was an awesome experience and it was great meeting those guys.

Then, this morning I woke up and went to breakfast at Nora's with my mom and Katherine Beaman. It was fun to see her and the pancakes were incredible. Then I had another full day of work and little action in the shop. Tonight, I went to dinner with our cousin Catherine who works at Dornan's.

And tomorrow, I have to be at work at 7:30 AM to train a new guy and stuff. It will be an interesting day!

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