Saturday, June 4, 2011

Packin' For Idaho

Sorry for no blog last night, the internet connection here in our little apartment goes on and off, but the last two days have been awesome. Yesterday, I did my usual work day from 9:00 AM to 5PM, but I got to work at our shop in Moose. This was an awesome experience because the Moose shop is so much more mellow and really chill. It's awesome working in that shop instead of the one in Jackson. I think I will be able to work in the Moose shop a lot more now and I'm lovin' it. After work, My mom and I went to our good friend Hanley Sayers' house for dinner and I was able to fish in the spring creek in his backyard which harbors HUGE snake river cutthroat trout. These fish are very smart, easily spooked, and very hard to catch. But the reward of catching one of these beauts is incredible, I was fishing in this stream for a good hour and had had no luck, the trout would come shooting after my streamer but then turn away at the last second and I figured out why, I pretty much had to lay down in order for these fish not to see me. So I bombed another cast across Fish Creek and sure enough, while I was stripping in my Silvey Sculpin, it got hammered by a very very nice Snake River Cutty. I fought it for a good 6 or 7 minutes and it was absolutely awesome. It was a 21-22 incher and very fat...Very unlikely for this early in the season. I was ecstatic to get my first Cutty of the season. I was stoked!

Today, I went to work again in Moose from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and made some serious cash. We had a huge day with beautiful weather and people screaming through the store in waves, getting anything from AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species) stickers to rental rods and and purchasing Costa Del Mars. It was an awesome day at work. Then I spent another good day at Mr. Sayers' house landing another good Cutty by stripping the classic Sex Dungeon (<-- A type of fly).

Tomorrow, me and my friend Ben Miller from Snake River Angler were designated to go and represent Snake River Angler at a Patagonia Presentation. This Presentation is like the Catalina Wine Mixer of Fly fishing, this event is huge and sponsored by Patagonia. Fly fishing outfitters from all over the west will be there. And, we also get a bunch of free Patagonia stuff. Also, I recently got signed up for a Pro Deal with Patagonia meaning I can get anything I want from Patagonia for fly fishing and get a HUGE!!!!! discount on anything. I recently got $500 Patagonia waders for $200 and a $70 Patagonia fishing shirt for $29.99. It is the greatest thing in the world. But also, the greatest part of all, there is a Salmon Fly Hatch on the Henry's Fork (<-- The river we are fishing) right now which means...KILLER FISHING!! Usually with a Salmon Fly Hatch, HUGE Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, and Cutthroat Trout come out of the depths and feed on magnificent and very large dry flies. This will be an awesome experience and the fishing will be killer. A Narly trip all around. I can't wait for it...I will be camping for the next 2 nights so the next blog will be in 3 days. I will tell you all about the trip. Stay tuned because this is going to be Awesome!!!

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